Although sometimes we gladly do without constantly answering phone calls and messages, having a mobile phone has become essential. However, the more models are developed, the more brittle and less durable they will be, especially in terms of battery life.
How many times have we left home waiting for an important phone call and running out of battery? If this happens often, it may seem ridiculous, but thanks to easy tricks to help solve the problem, few people know that you can charge a mobile without a charger. However, if the battery is easily depleted, ask a few questions about the health of the phone and pay attention to the alarm bells.
The battery will not always be low, but this spy will announce that the cell phone is crashing
In fact, if low battery and system recessions are the most obvious signs of malfunction, we will see that they are not the only ones.
Monitoring the phone’s temperature is really essential, as it can become too much to permanently compromise its functionality. In fact, the battery will not always be flat, but this light will announce that the mobile phone is going to break down, especially if it happens several times a day.
If the phone’s temperature is constantly burning, it means that the battery has reached the end of its life cycle. When this happens, the batteries give off too much heat and then drop us off, but don’t panic, cell phones are fitted with security systems in this sense.
What to look for
Other, less catastrophic causes may be infections Malware, They are viruses that overload the phone’s processor by overheating it. This is common on Android smartphones and, unfortunately, are vulnerable to this type of attack. However, even iPhone owners should pay attention to the functionality of the apps and updates that can illuminate the phone. If some applications crash or have difficulty updating them, you can fight them by increasing the processor temperature.
Of course, sometimes even excessive use of the phone can harm the battery that destroys the smartphone. For example, when using an application with geo-localization, at maximum brightness, prolonged viewing of streaming content will inevitably raise the temperature.
what to do?
Before panicking, it is always good to evaluate the temperature level without worrying. Cellphone CPUs actually operate at temperatures between 32 and 40, so it may be appropriate to examine whether the phone often reaches high temperatures.
It is necessary to select the applications, check which of them uses the most energy and remove them at the end.
You can download specific applications for power management and improve its functionality by preventing the device from overheating. Finally, it is important to charge the phone properly without exposing it to direct sunlight. For those who charge their cell phones like this, they have bad news because they unknowingly destroy it.
Some people know that cell phone and battery life will last for these amazing tricks
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