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The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs made the tsunami so powerful that it left "giant waves" at sea level

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs made the tsunami so powerful that it left “giant waves” at sea level

In 2018, scientists recommended it Impact of asteroid killing dinosaurs A gigantic 66 million years ago Tsunami With an altitude of more than 1,500 meters (see our previous article below). Then they relied on computer modeling. Today, a new study provides the first physical evidence of a catastrophic tsunami: the largest “ripples” on the ocean floor formed by the tsunami.

These underwater ripples are ast & # xe9;  ro & # xef;  is said to be the trace of annoying waves generated by the impact of de.  & # xa9;  Letters from Earth and Planetary Science, 2021 by Gary Kinsland et al

These underwater ripples are said to be traces of giant waves formed by the impact of an asteroid. © Gary Kinsland et al., Earth and Planetary Letters, 2021

The deepest contractions ever recorded on earth

These wavy lines, now buried in the sediments of central Louisiana, were recorded by seismic surveys of an oil company operating in the area. Researchers at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette found that the “wrinkles” were about a kilometer apart and averaged more than 16 meters. The deepest contractions ever recorded on Earth “According to Gary Kinsland, lead author of the published study Earth and planetary science letters, The orientation of the waves is completely consistent with the impact. The tsunami would have been so powerful that it would have “wiped out” the sea for hundreds of kilometers, leaving an indelible scar and then being covered by crash-related debris. After the initial giant wave, the tsunami would continue for several days, with the waves hitting the coast back and forth and raising the ripples.

The dinosaur-killing asteroid is said to have formed mountains higher than Everest

This new study has added to the puzzle of gradually rebuilding this horrific event. In 2019, the researchers said Presence of a fossil site in North Dakota From 3,000 kilometers …

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