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The Alliance also plans school openings: Berlin's from fourth to sixth grade - Berlin

The Alliance also plans school openings: Berlin’s from fourth to sixth grade – Berlin

One week after the opening of schools from first to third grade, the return from fourth grade to sixth grade may be approaching: on Tuesday, March 9, after Women’s Day, it may be time. The decision is expected in the Senate on Tuesday, March 2nd.
“If self-tests from Siemens come to schools, I can consider it: but I’m looking forward to the Senate meeting tomorrow,” Left-wing education expert Regina Hitler said Monday when asked.

MEP is not alone in this assessment. Other coalition members issued similar statements and were mentioned in the Senate. Opening schools for older elementary school students is “the most obvious choice of some coalition members.”

Education Administration spokesman Martin Gleesmann did not want to comment on specific dates, but said in a statement on Monday: “We are in talks about cautious opening scenes.”

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The opening for the first to third grade students took place in the first week without any epidemics or major incidents. “The touch of default is back,” said Astrid-Sabin Pussy, head of the school in Kolnich Hyde, describing the past few days.

About 95 percent of the children who returned to the alternative model came in, and only a few used the volunteer reserve model. This is usually justified with high-risk patients in the family.

Pussy, who heads the Berlin school administration’s interest representation, has so far been unable to provide any information on the size of the learning backdoor. However, she expects these remnants to be “naked”: her expectation is that “most of what she has learned before is gone.” He has hired students to work with students on small study groups and to capture objects.

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