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That’s why Nintendo waited 10 years to shut down the Wii U eShop

Can’t wait to announce the closing of the console’s eShop for the tenth anniversary of the Nintendo Wii U. According to a former employee of Nintendo USA, the manufacturer must support the product for ten years or face a class action lawsuit.

Reason for closing wiiu eshop
Credit: Nintendo

Remember, in July 2021, we learned that Nintendo aims to bury the Wii U and 3DS by closing the eShop permanently. Two consoles. The manufacturer began sending several emails to Game Development Studios informing them of the situation.

Finally, the ax fell on February 16, 2022. Nintendo officially closes the Wii U and 3DS blinds in March 2023. From this date, Players can no longer buy games in the dematerialized format On both BigN engines. Since May 2022 he will no longer be able to use his credit card in the two-console eShop, the results of this work will be done gradually. Gift cards will be inactive from August 29, 2022.

This announcement from Nintendo is correct Wii U’s tenth anniversaryThe hybrid console was launched in Europe in November 2012. This date was not chosen randomlyA former Nintendo USA employee explained to our co-workers on the site Nintendo Life.

Nintendo waited 10 years to roll out the Wii U to avoid a lawsuit

According to him, Nintendo was voluntarily waiting for the Wii U before celebrating its tenth birthday. And the reason is simply the judiciary. “Nintendo knows that it must support a product for at least ten years or put a class action case at risk. He also notes that the Japanese company decided many years ago not to support the Wii U for long.

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Domestically, Nintendo has been waiting for this day since 2014 in terms of sales […] Nintendo sees the first two years as an indicator that the console will start to restart. He agrees. If we believe the source of the Nintendo Life, the Japanese company buried the Wii U in 2014, viz. Two years after the launch.

It should be noted that in the financial year 2013-2014, the manufacturer has significantly revised these sales targets. It has increased from 9 million consoles sold before March 31, 2014 to 2.8 million. Vague admission of failure. After the switch was delivered in 2017, former Nintendo USA CEO Reggie Phill Aime agreed.Failure of the Wii U is a necessary disadvantage leading to the switch And its known success.