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That’s when it was planned

A solar storm is coming to Italy, which is a spectacular phenomenon, however it can have repercussions on some daily activities. That’s when it should come

Solar storm in Italy
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I Atmospheric events They are certainly unpredictable. The feature that makes them more attractive and beautiful to look at. Fortunately with today’s technologies, they can be tracked even more accurately.

E.g. Last October 28th the sun caused extreme intensity to come from the sun point AR22887.. This created a plasma wave capable of vibrating the entire solar surface. Following this event a new magnetic storm will strike the Earth.

Solar storm in Italy: what it contains and how to find it

The result is Bell Basil, in this case I was able to see something real in the Gran Zebro Polar Aurora That made everyone gasp. Similar events took place in Canada and New Zealand. There was a sensational radio blackout in South America.

The above event Monitored by NASA Soho Space Telescope Created a wave of particles called coronal mass emission (CME). It was heading towards Earth at a speed of 1,260 km per second and collided on October 31 at 11:00 am (Italian time zone).

For this reason it did not have a strong impact. At 02:45 Italian time on November 1, sunspot AR2887 erupted again, creating a M1 class solar flare and a plasma wave that spread across half of the solar disk.

Type II radio emissions have been reported due to all the probabilities of the impact of the CME moving at a speed of about 600 km / h in the solar atmosphere. According to Tario del Moro, a researcher on the Solar and Space Physics team at the University of Dor Vergada in Rome, this is a normal occurrence.

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He then said that the coronal mass ejection would hit the earth And it interacts with its magnetic field and its external atmosphere. Among the possible consequences There may be problems with GPS signal, radio communications and particle flows in high latitude areas (northern and astral aurora). It could be Know A few hours after the impact, in this case Starting Thursday afternoon, November 4th.