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Test zu Unreal Life - Nintendo Switch - ntower

Test zu Unreal Life – Nintendo Switch – ntower

Imagine waking up one day without remembering what really happened and where you are. This is the best way to describe the beginning of an unreal life. Created an exciting mix, with game reminiscent of point and click adventure. Below you can see how well it works in practice.

A cohesive mystery thriller!

If the story up to this point is a shallow 0815 charge, the uniqueness is evident in the first few minutes of the game. The heroine Hall remembers nothing but the person “Ms. Sakura”. So she starts looking for that woman and not only meets the animal helpers who can talk to her, but also because of her special abilities she is given a traffic illustrator who is always in touch with her. To get closer to Mrs. Sakura and her memory, Hall can see all sorts of objects in contact. This will give you clues as to how it progressed and what happened to Hall.

A harmonious atmosphere can be found throughout the game.

© hako life / SelectaPlay

As mentioned at the beginning, the game is mainly reminiscent of point and click adventures. You control Hal from environment to environment (and even via the touch screen if desired!), Talk to characters, interact with objects, read memories and put some items in your pocket. These are allowed to be used elsewhere to further the story. With all of this playing wonderfully smoothly, the feeling of not knowing where to proceed occasionally arises. Your brain will be tested from time to time, but in a pleasant setting, it will never seem unreasonable or unreasonable, despite Hall’s special world. For example, at one point in the game, you have to guide both Hall and a small dog through an area that will eventually flow a flower, which will open a new path.

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Overall, every game mechanic is fully integrated with the rest, so above all, the story knows how to inspire. Starting with the optics, with incredibly good integration of HD vibrations through dialogs and controls, you will get the most coherent adventure. The latter function is used repeatedly, for example, to mark the steps of halls on different surfaces. Vibration emits different “tones” so that as a player you can fully immerse yourself in the scenery. Rarely have they experienced such a lucrative combination of vibrations on the Nintendo Switch! However, unfortunately, annoying errors continue to grow, especially in the area of ​​texts. There are many places in the game where conversations are not shown in full, but I was able to break in the middle of a sentence and find some programming notes that did not belong there. It disturbs the moment, but does not destroy the positive overall look.

What can we expect when Hall finally finds Mrs. Sakura?

© hako life / SelectaPlay

How I wanted to spend more time with back-talking penguins. These are the ones that stayed in my head because you have to guide them from place to place with the help of shrimp at a train station to operate a crane, which ultimately saves the life of a desperate fish. Or the moment I controlled the aforementioned dog by remote, so that revealed the way to the threatening library. But once when I distracted the rabbit cop with the apple to get into that library … you notice the unreal life exploding with absurdities, which is not only based on the story, but also playful fun. . For me, the whole adventure is a small total work of art in which all these ridiculous characters and actions make sense.

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I want to say a lot more about what made me excited about Unreal Life, but it would be unfair to you. To understand the charm behind the game, you need to enjoy the game yourself. So, I give a clear recommendation to everyone who is starting to do something in adventure games, despite the small mistakes. If you feel addressed, get it right away!

You can invest seven to eight hours in Hall’s adventure until you see the end result. However, since there are different results to discover, you can add one or two more hours depending on how you play. Overall, I look back with nostalgia because I wanted to spend more time with Hall and this strange world. It’s been a long time since I’ve been so interested in a game, which is mainly due to the coherent overall picture. However, once you reach the end, the second or third run is not really effective because you can hear the surprising moments as you are well aware of all the twists and turns of the plot. But even with this one round stored in my head, Unreal Life is definitely worth it to me.