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Test Zoo Splendor 2 - Nintendo Switch - Endeavor

Test Zoo Splendor 2 – Nintendo Switch – Endeavor

Not only did Spellingi appear for the Nintendo Switch late last month, but with its sequel simple name Spellingi 2, it was first released for the PlayStation 4 and PC in late summer last year. Without losing focus on the game, the heir promises to be more comprehensive than the next. We would like to tell you whether the second part of the following lines can meet high expectations.

Daughter like father

Splendor 2 starts beautifully. In the role of the daughter of the protagonist of the first part Splengy Guys, you travel to the moon in search of your missing parents, who left you with difficult clues about the mysterious location. Again, in front of a mysterious complex, its rooms are constantly changing. Splendor 2 follows in the footsteps of its predecessors. The story is a good companion and mainly acts as a motor that holds the various game dynamics together – no more and no less. Fans of the introduction will not give much importance to this. However, if you are looking for a complex plot, you will be disappointed.

If you erupt this volcano, the viscous, deadly material moistens the bottom.

Ss Mosmouth

As before, in Spellingi 2 you can go alone or with three other players. If you want to play on a device the multiplayer mode is no different from its predecessors. However, if you gamble with multiple consoles on the internet, everyone enjoys the luxury of their own screen, which eliminates the need for permanent deals and allows you to better focus on what is going on. In addition to the cooperative game mode, the sequel now has a tournament arena in which you can compete with your teammates.

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In the second part you can also choose your character to change its appearance to suit your needs before starting the game. This also applies to pets, which remove clean beauties from the first baby and give you vitality, if you save them. But before you go to the ruins with the chosen character, there is an exercise that introduces you to the basic game.

It does not differ significantly from the previous offshoot, with only minor differences in control and display. When you start your run as usual with four bombs, hooks and life points, Indiana Jones’ daughter naturally moves faster than her father. This is because Sprint is now always active and can slow down to a slower running speed when a button is pressed. Any screen shots will be shown with very little and little transparency so as not to obscure parts of the dangerous game world. Otherwise everything will be as usual. With the analog stick you move from left to right and vice versa. The right button section is responsible for actions including jumping, using equipment and swinging your whip.

Such switches can now be used to open certain columns.

Ss Mosmouth

Instead of lowering the barrier for beginners, Splengy 2 maintains difficult levels. One could even say that one had a little extra in it, given the extra complexity of the approximately created cave systems and the newly added freedom of choice between the two paths. In addition, at the end of each biome you may encounter a special opponent. These are not intermediate bosses, but rather strong enemies, who must use an easily learned attack method to clear the way to the next area.

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As before, if you die, you will lose all your equipment and the treasures you have accumulated — only the wrinkles that are hard to open will be with you. Again the formula works perfectly. Despite the unforgivable amount of difficulty, the Splendor 2 captivates you in front of the screen. The rounds, which last only a few minutes, invite you to try again and the few hours before Nintendo Switch Pack passes the game quickly, delighting in your current progress, but always a bit disappointing.

Here, too, the general beauty and diverse sports world did not play a major role. Spellingi 2 actually increases the number of different shots. Each of the often destructive biomes comes with its own enemies, challenges and well-hidden secrets. Until you find everything, there will be plenty of playing time in the country. If you have a certain tolerance for weakness and frustration for adventure and exploration, you will not regret even a second.

Despite the new look, successful technology

Because optically, the sequel is ahead of its almost ten-year-old undefeated due to technical constraints. Both the characters and the surroundings are displayed in pleasant details and the background takes place at a fast frame rate, which ensures a pleasant flow of the game. Soundtrack knows how to delight and shines with lush contrast. Background music always contributes to the overall experience and occasionally invites you to shake your head.