During these hours, numerous regional orders, and not only the regions within the Orange Band, have closed the gates of schools, not only high school, but also primary and lower schools, actually even taking people away for a few weeks (a few weeks) (to date), teaching, and so on to children.
The most commonly used commands, more or less, are to ensure the suspension of teaching activities in the presence of elementary and middle schools to save any further assurance as a result of the course of the daily diagnostic epidemiological situation. Subject to their presence. ”We would like to dedicate our attention precisely to this group of students and provide the necessary documentation to implement it. Although required by law, it is at the request of the interested party and at the request of the parent or guardian on his or her behalf.
Order-Law n. 1 January 20, 2021
Section 4, paragraph 2 of Order-Law. 5 January 2021 1 “The provisions of the same mandate are valid for educational institutions (…) regarding the possibility of using labs or taking action in the presence if necessary to maintain an educational relationship. It feels effective in enrolling students with disabilities and special education needs”.
Note 1990 November 5
The 1990 Note of the Ministry of Education dated November 5, 2020, “On the implementation of all forms of communication and cooperation with other institutions to ensure effective school enrollment, especially for students with disabilities,” to ensure the effective implementation of the right to education as enshrined in the Constitution, assistance of experts and school transport Basically responsible for their academic success. In general, in relation to school enrollment in all contexts in which DTI activities are carried out, the DBCM clearly reminds us of the need to carry out such actions in the presence of “effective” and formal school enrollment, in reminding us of the basic principle of guaranteeing attendance for disabled students Not only that, but “maintaining an educational relationship that achieves effective school enrollment”. School administrators, along with the teachers and support teachers of the relevant classes, work with families to support the attendance of students with disabilities, as part of the IEP, as part of the involvement, as much as possible, of a group of reference class students, which may vary or remain unchanged in the mix, thus effective for the benefit of students and female students. And the basis for creating profitable additions is to continue to strengthen the relationship with each other ”.
DBCM December 3, 2020
3 December 2020 DBCM, Article 1, paragraphs, “Second grade secondary school institutions adopt flexible forms of organizing teaching activities in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the Republican Declaration of March 8, 1999, N. 275, thus making 100 percent action through the use of integrated digital teaching And, from January 7, 2021, 75 per cent of the student population of the above institutions will be guaranteed face-to-face teaching.The use of laboratories is always guaranteed if necessary or in the presence of reasons for maintaining an educational relationship that can effectively achieve the enrollment of students with special needs. 89 on August 7, 2020, and on the orders of the Minister of Education, while guaranteeing online connectivity with students in the class of N. Integrated Digital Teaching, 9 Oct. 134 “in 2020.
Other BES or special cases
On the same night of November 5, 1990, “same educational communities will evaluate whether measures can be taken to ensure attendance in the presence of students with other special education needs, such as learning by students concerned if they are truly decisive to achieve; Similarly, similar activities may be considered to represent” digital divide “situations. , They cannot be resolved.As part of the specific, explicit and reasonable demands, the focus should be on the children of health workers (physicians, nurses, OSS, OSA …) who are directly involved in controlling the epidemic in terms of care and assistance to sick and hired staff. In services, all activities aimed at going to school for them and their presence can be implemented, based on their age.
Face-to-face teaching
Teaching carried out in the presence will certainly ensure lasting knowledge over time and less fatigue in study for students with immediate and disabilities. This is why all supporting teachers working in educational institutions and Italian schools are committed to guaranteeing, protecting and safeguarding the constitutionally guaranteed right to education of children and youth with disabilities.
Children and young people with disabilities
Infants and children with disabilities are generally very inattentive, difficult to concentrate, and unable to sit for long periods of time; Sudden loud noises and violent or intermittent lights can bother them a lot, although sometimes they may not feel them. Loneliness or loneliness negatively affects their psychometric development.
The school should be reopened for students with disabilities
There is a great and clear need for students with disabilities to reopen the school because the suspension of teaching activities during the last lock-up has determined the most severe impacts on the weaker sections of the school population, especially those in distress, and the victims. For children and students with severe autism spectrum disorders and various types of disabilities.
School proximity to parents of students with disabilities
Italian schools, too, are facing a legislative evolution in this sense, focusing on the needs of parents of students who are more likely than ever to feel and be protected and close to the institutions that attend school institutions. The right to education for their children and youth.
Resume teaching in presence
With all of these campuses in mind, teaching in the presence of students with disabilities should begin immediately. It should be noted that according to the customized time scale established for students, the presence of activities will have a teaching pause period. It will take place in the classrooms according to the space already provided for the classrooms for the class the student will attend.
For this purpose, it confirms:
- All current regulations relating to the prevention of infection from SARS Cove-2 in reference documents for normal school activities and in the School Safety Protocol will be respected;
- The premises used shall be adequately ventilated and subjected to thorough sanitation by school collaborators;
- All operators will use the generally provided personal protective equipment, observers and gloves while staying inside the school.
Support Authors and Note 26 October 2020 1934
Note 1934 of 26 October 2020, “Support teachers, in relation to the situation of the full co-owners of the classes in which they work, are believed to be the special, normal way of their inclusive functioning for students with disabilities. The need for generalized management of the class group should be considered a priority. Therefore, school managers should be involved in teacher support activities. Isolate their placement exclusively on the same weekly schedule and in classes where they are actually co-owners, they will be linked to the need for exclusive management of students if provided there are no specific restrictions.The deficiencies are entrusted to them.If support teacher is placed in isolation, it is hoped that all teachers’ class can be accurately identified in the policy of collective ownership The most appropriate measure to guarantee the right of students with disabilities to study, this should be the presence Attendance of subjects is generally allowed. In elementary school, in particular, the supportive teacher placed in isolation can predict that the entire class group will be properly organized in the weekly programming and perform planned artificial actions in support. ‘Teacher with disabilities in the classroom’.
Specific case history
The 1990 note already cited in connection with the control measure, DBCM’s “Article 1, paragraph 9, Letters” “Artificial and educational activity for kindergartens, which takes place in the presence of the first cycle of education and educational services for children, compulsory use of respiratory protective equipment and masks for children under six years of age. For those with pathology or disabilities that do not match the application “. The obligation to apply the mask to school staff and students under the age of six applies explicitly, as well as to the first cycle of education and, secondly, to the ongoing activities in the presence. In addition to children under the age of six, teachers, ADAs and students who are unable to use it for certified pathology or disabilities are exempt from duty. Accommodation activities continue in accordance with the provisions of Article 1, paragraph 9, letter o) of the Prime Minister’s Accommodation Activities, i.e. “maintaining social distance is guaranteed, while at the same time guaranteeing one’s personal safety distance in accordance with the protocols and guidelines adopted by the Convention on Common Areas, Regions or Regions and Autonomous Provinces”; Suitable to prevent or reduce the risk of infection and in any case take into account the criteria specified in Appendix 10 “Different types of shelter”.
Information Circular
The school will immediately notify parents or guardians of students with disabilities who have the potential to carry out these activities in the event of any interruption of educational activities. To allow the above activities to be organized, parents / guardians of students with disabilities certified under Act 104/92 must express their willingness to take action. For this purpose, interested parties are requested to fill out a specific attached form and send it to the school’s email address.
Failure to complete and submit the above form by the due date will be considered as an expression of reluctance to participate in the proceedings. The time of attendance will be agreed in advance with the institution, which will take into account the individual needs of the student and the artificial structure in which to operate.
Some schools have arranged particularly complex circulars. In this sense, it should be noted that the Regional Commandments also refer to students with disabilities and implications for enrollment. Of these, the MIDA State Comprehensive Institute (CZT), headed by school director Giuseppe de Vita, is particularly committed to ensuring the inclusion of all and the teaching of quality.
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