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State Security Determined: Monument to Hanoi Victims Destroyed in Cologne - Politics

State Security Determined: Monument to Hanoi Victims Destroyed in Cologne – Politics

Unidentified people destroyed a monument to the victims of a racially motivated attack in Cologne, Hanoi. They tore up the films with the names and pictures of the victims and threw them into a pile on the Rhine. Police confirmed an incident Sunday in Cologne-Rodenkirchner, which Cologne Juosus initially reported.

According to the Youth Organization of the Social Democratic Party, the perpetrators destroyed the monument at night from Saturday to Sunday. The incident was reported as property damage. It said state security would be involved in the investigation.

Over the weekend, strangers in Frankfurt painted two commemorative posters with swastikas for the victims. Police said Sunday that the crosses with the thick felt-tip pens on the posters may have been upside down in the mirror. State security was determined.

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On February 19, 2020, 43-year-old German Tobias R. Nine people are said to have been shot dead at various locations in the Hesian city of Hanoi. Doctrines and racist views are published on the Internet.

The dead were commemorated at an event in Hanoi on Friday with Union President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Hesse’s Prime Minister Volker Bofier (CDU). (dpa)

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