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SpaceSpace Startopia Nintendo Switch Review

SpaceSpace Startopia Nintendo Switch Review

Entwickler:         Realmforge Studios
Publisher:          Kalypso Media
Genre:              Aufbausimulation, Strategie
Plattformen:        Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox One und Series S|X, PlayStation 4 und 5
Preis:              ca. 49,99 Euro 
Offizielle Website: Spacebase Startopia | Kalypso EU (

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In March of this year, Calypso Media and Realforge Studios unveiled the colorful space station SpacePartopia on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series S | X. Since then, the donut has formed many circles in space. On September 24th, SpacePace Startopia was finally released for the Nintendo Switch. Do you always have a colorful alien gang in your pocket? We had to look at it closely.

Everything in Space Startopia revolves around the donut-shaped space station of the same name. Startopia, a place of entertainment and relaxation, is a space base that attracts aliens from all over the galaxy. At the three sites you have the task of observing different species, entertaining them and providing stellar relaxation. You will find numerous buildings and an army of Druids that will ensure the operation of the station. In ten tasks you will face various challenges. You can do this alone or in a cooperative manner. There is sandbox mode and multiplayer. If you want to know more about Spacebase Startopia you can read about it in our original review. In this post, we will look at the improvements since the launch and the Nintendo Switch release.

During the initial release, SpaceSpace Startopia was still struggling with a number of weaknesses that obscured the fun of the game. After all, many comprehensive improvements are needed. From the original release, the developers at Realforge Studios managed and implemented it. Among other things, improvements have been made to the outlook for the game. For example, you can now view the entire content of your inventory at a glance. Research projects can be deployed and the handling of debris and insects on the Startopia ship has been significantly improved. It’s all about the little things that make Space Space Startopia a more rounded experience and enhance the gaming experience.

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In the original release, the later course of the game often had endless tracking shots and wild clicks at the station, especially the expanded stations now benefiting from better self-management so you can focus more on the overall picture as a commander. It brings forward the play factor and the actual station structure. New players benefit from better guidance through the game from the start, including advanced and newly added exercises.

Players who buy the Space Startopia on the Nintendo Switch can now slow down the game and watch the alien buzz as a commander. Publishing on the Nintendo Switch has its own pros and cons. They are really obvious. The console offers the opportunity to command your space station from anywhere. Despite the complexity of the game, improvements to the controls allow for pleasant control using Joy-Cons. Technically, boarding requires significant and visible compromises. The amount of detail is significantly reduced and large space stations in particular do not provide a particularly sharp image. As the buzz on the donut increases, so does the frame rate. These are not uncommon occurrences on the Nintendo Switch, as compared to other consoles, which are defined in terms of hardware due to its construction. Technically, the switch is not final, but it provides mobility. With the Nintendo Switch your space station will always be with you.

My conclusion:

Spacebase Startopia offers the opportunity to manage your colorful space station on the Nintendo Switch at home and on the go. The developers have made a number of comprehensive improvements compared to the original release. Long game sessions in the sandbox and subsequent campaigns especially benefit from this. As a commander, you can better focus on expanding your space station. Spacepace Startopia brings technical compromises to the Nintendo Switch, but those who want to play portable have not noticed them. If you only want to play SpaceSpace Startopia on the big TV, you should pay your attention to the PlayStation or Xbox version.

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Image Source: Calypso Media

Exposure: The game is free.