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Something crashed on Jupiter

Something crashed on Jupiter

Jean-Paul Arnold, a member of the community, from his garden in Ville-le-Czech in Myrte-ed-Moselle;  t & # xe9;  Lorraine D & # 39;  Astronomy, photographed & # xe9;  An celestial object colliding with Jupiter.  & Xe9;  & # 39;  xe9;  The glowing eruption of the flowing impact was his & # xa0;  Visible in white on the left side of the images.

From his garden in Ville-le-Czech in Muerto-Ed-Moselle, John-Paul Arnold, a member of the Lorraine Astronomical Society, photographed an asteroid colliding with Jupiter. The glowing glow caused by the impact is visible in white on the left side of his pictures, which have not yet taken any treatment.

C ‘An extraordinary discovery that science owes to the community of amateur astronomers! At 12:39:30 pm on Monday, September 14, an unidentified celestial body collided with Jupiter. When emitting clearly detectable light, including equipment accessible to the general public.

That evening, Jean-Paul Arnold, a member of the Lorraine Astronomical Society, was installed in his private laboratory in Merde-ed-Moselle, Ville-le-Czech. Add a garden cottage with a telescope attached to a camera and computer, and a roof that rolls up into the sky. Just watch the plane on a cold night without the risk of hypothermia! Only then did its impact unfold before my eyes. I even woke up my wife to tell me. But at the time, we were unbelievable, ”he said Point.

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His four astronomy club comrades? Stephen Barry, Alexis Desmokin, Thibaut Humbert and Didier Valliang? For their part, they have taken a week’s vacation to go “on duty” to the Astroquiras sub-laboratory located in the city of Saint-Warren in the Houths-Alps at an altitude of about 3,000 meters. They, too, have turned their eyes to Jupiter, before which they expect to see the change of the moon. What if they really felt? They box, their movie […] Read more

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