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“Sleeping Beauty” with German Museum of Technology: Berlin FDP wants to re-rent hangars at the former Templehof Airport in Berlin.

“Sleeping Beauty” with German Museum of Technology: Berlin FDP wants to re-rent hangars at the former Templehof Airport in Berlin.

The FDP’s parliamentary committee in the House of Representatives has called for the immediate use of the suspensions at the former Templehof Airport. In a previously unpublished application by a parliamentary committee available to Togespiegel, the Liberals, among others, demanded that Hunger 6 be leased to the German Museum of Technology.

In this way, the application states that “the best air collection can be made available to the public”, which, among other things, speaks of a “deep sleep” Former Airport To be awake.

In addition, the Liberals have called for expediting roof renovations currently underway in many parts of the building. Hunger 5 will be available to the Film and Television Academy from 2025 – planned by Templehof Project GmbH, which is responsible for concept and management.

In addition, the main hall and enclosed armor should be used for a variety of large events in the future, the former executives’ hotel should be further developed as a digital and innovation hub, and accommodate local companies, the FDP demands.

Instead of the Templehof Project GmbH, the Senate and the Berliner Immobilization Management GmbH should take over the renovation and management of the buildings. The Liberals continue to criticize the previous practice, despite the large amount of money flowing in and the low yields.

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A Templehoff-Project GmbH spokesman dismissed the criticism, citing the complexity of the reconstruction of the listed buildings. He explained that if the current construction work allowed, all the hangars would be used for events and one-third of the property would be leased permanently.

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The German Museum of Technology has confirmed plans to set up an exhibition on civil aviation at Hunger 6. The first comment was made in 2019, with no results yet. Two machines that have already been reset are currently housed in the Hunger 7, but cannot be seen. There is no space in the actual location of the museum in Grozberg.