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Shio, Mayor Orsi and B.T. Conflict between Aldo Vicentino: “They want an increase”. “Wrong, download costs to other municipalities”

In Aldo Vicentino there is a confrontation between the mayor of Sheo Walter RC and the local Democrats. Dispute, waste tax, its management has been handed over to Arera and Ara. RTC accused PTC of wanting to raise taxes, and PD responded that RC was unleashing an increase on the citizens of Aldo Vicentino’s small municipalities.

“We are on the side of the citizens as a municipal administration, we will definitely reject their plan; we are not ashamed to raise taxes,” said Arera, a national official who oversees tariffs, while at the same time a maximum of 1.6% – RC writes in a lengthy post on Facebook. It really takes a lot of courage to listen to such a subtle moment, and I hope only those outside the world can come to these statements. “

“The issue of TARI tariffs is a topic we have been working on for over a year, because ARERA asks itself to modify some of the costs of determining the final tariff, but it adds that the parameters must include a basic principle: the more pollution you pay; In two years, thanks to the new separate collection system, Schledesi is rewarding citizens who have reached the level set by the Veneto region by 2020, ranging from 66% to 76% .AVA partners who hit the target, look at ISPRA data. Discussion continues within the AVA stakeholder meeting. Like Shio, we prepare an in-depth analysis of costs-services, which must then be integrated with the results achieved by each municipality; technical issues – continuing Orsi – and more complex, as determined by the authority for the citizens of Sciladense “For this reason, we will bring the ARERA-standardized plan to the City Council on Monday. The increase in TARI determines 0.26%.”

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Today, January 24, we, as democratic women and men, are outraged by the mayoral post of Sheo Walter Orsi – B.T. Giacomo Stephen, the coordinator of the Schladense area, responded to the RC in a note that we are releasing -. RC wrote incorrectly. In Aldo Vicentino’s other municipalities, especially the smaller ones, this is a vicious attempt to load a portion of Shio’s waste collection costs. The populism of this politician cannot think of the good of all, but only those who can vote for him, a reprehensible behavior that completely ignores everything that happens after the next election deadline. Can no longer apply “.

“Shio Municipality has been negotiating with AVA for many years to collect the costs of collecting the waste, taking into account the fact that it is a majority partner and gains particularly favorable conditions. This is detrimental to many small municipalities, except for a very few cases, for reasons beyond this variability, Orsi. Bad conditions had to be taken to guarantee the imposed concession.

“Fortunately now it no longer works, it’s the Arera (regulatory authority for energy, networks and environment) that dictates the rules and has decided that this should no longer be the case: managers must apply the same conditions to all municipalities they serve with the intention of avoiding unreasonable distortions, for example in the case of Schlett.”

“From there it gets a glorious 18%: Schladens’ PD has nothing to do with this, and Shio Municipality will have to pay a higher fee if other municipalities apply the same conditions. However, ARERA in one of its resolutions suggested that this increase should not exceed inflation, or quoted by RC 1.6. % ”.

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“Then who is the difference? Community. Who are the partners? Municipalities, i.e. we, are citizens. He is a dog that has bitten his own tail, and Orsi wants to retain a privilege at the expense of all other high-vigilance citizens served by other municipalities and AVA because he could not see the common good beyond his election garden. Here is some data on how citizens of other municipalities have to raise their antennas – continued – How much less do others have to pay? “.

“Tonesa del Simone -29.9%; Posin -21.1%; San Witto de Lecusano -19.8%; Santorso -18.3%; Voltastigo -13.1%; To the majority stakeholders of AVA; Shio is not the only municipality that has to pay more, but (very few) one that has received more privileges compared to other municipalities. Is this a solvable problem? Of course, the municipality of Dine found a 6% compromise, defending the company and agreeing with other municipalities. Sit at a table and talk. Instead, Orsi went into disrepair, which, like many regional issues, created a burning earth around him and sent creative reconciliation between the municipalities to that country, before he came to an end – Stefan led Aldo Vicentino as an example of Shio’s national good policy on a national scale.

Article Shio, Mayor Orsi and B.T. Conflict between Aldo Vicentino: “They want an increase”. “Wrong, download costs to other municipalities” From Burlavenetto.