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Sega mentions "Sonic Rangers" in his own newsletter Nintendo Connect

Sega mentions “Sonic Rangers” in his own newsletter Nintendo Connect

We have announced that the first information and details about “Sonic Rangers” have been leaked. Anonymously, the new flagship Sonic game will be released next year on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | Sega announced yesterday that it will be releasing for S and PC.

Fans discovered the name “Sonic Rangers” in the trailer’s metadata. You do not have to dig deep into it, because Seka mentioned this in his official press release and we got it too. There it says: “At the first Sonic Central Virtual Event, Sega announces new console experiences, Sonic Colors: Ultimate and Sonic Rangers, Netflix Sonic Prime, Mobile Platform News, Music Events and more! ”

The reference to Sonic Rangers seems to be a mistake. The Sonic Rangers name is no longer in the newsletter currently available online. Our colleagues from Eurocamore ContactedThe original message was an incorrectly shared older version, but at this time there is no additional information about Sonic Rangers.

Let’s see what this means for the information that is said to have been leaked. Someone may have had the right name and shared a lot of misinformation to attract attention. And, above all, we will keep you updated as soon as we receive official information.

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