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Save Taxes on Donations: Tax Tips: How to deduct donations from taxes | News

Donations – When you sell something

There are many types of tax deductible donations. They are deductible from gross annual income, thus reducing the amount of taxable money, however, a maximum of 20 percent of gross income per year can be deducted from taxes immediately through donations, and the rest can only be claimed the following year. In the tax return, donations are included under the special expense deduction, and certain conditions must be met for deductions: for example, donations must be voluntary, proof of donation must be present, and donation contributions must be changed. A tax-exempt organization based in Germany. Tax-exempt organizations include foundations, non-profit associations, political parties, churches and museums. In addition to financial donations, donations may also be solicited for tax purposes, and membership fees for tax-exempt organizations may be counted as donations, but do not include leisure clubs such as sports clubs or carnival clubs.

Donations to political parties

With the exception of donations to political parties, all donations are deducted from gross income, thus reducing the amount taxed. Party donors, however, benefit significantly more from donations, with half of the donation being deducted directly from tax liability, with a maximum of 25 825 per year being deducted. The maximum limit for married couples is doubled to 1,650 euros. If a donation of 3,300 euros is submitted, the married couple will immediately pay a tax refund of 1,650 euros, which can only be taken into account the following year. The maximum tax deduction for one year is, 6,600 per couple.

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Evidence required

Evidence for donations does not have to be attached to the tax account, they only have to be submitted to the tax office at the time of request. For donations up to 200 euros, the donation must be proven only with simplified proof; Printed account statements with donation transaction, printouts of online bank with relevant income, deposit receipts in banks and PayPal account statements in paper form. Email address included. Also, whether it is a donation or a membership fee, the corporation must show proof that the corporation is exempt from tax and for what purpose the donation was made. The same rule applies to disaster donations and donations to political parties.

Donation vouchers are required for large donations over 200. Editorial Board

Image Sources: Lisa S. /, Gunnar Pippel /