If you are planning to buy your games digitally via Nintendo EShop, you will need to add a microSD card. In fact, the switch only has 32GB of limited space, but the latter finds itself saturated very quickly, especially if you run multiple titles at once or record multiple screen shots and gameplay videos. So Nintendo has teamed up with manufacturer Sandisk to provide storage systems for its console. You can find various memory cards ranging from 64GB to 512GB. On Amazon, The 128GB SanDisk Nintendo Edition Micro SDXC Card is currently on sale for. 25.99 Instead of 42.99 euros. In bright red, it features the iconic mushroom from the famous Super Mario franchise.
SanDisk Micro SD card for 25.99 euros on Amazon
The microSD card provided by Amazon meets the SDXC standards compatible with the Nintendo Switch. Thanks to its UHS-I interface, it can achieve good bitrate speeds, which is an important attribute for gaming use. Its transfer rate of 100 MB / s allows all games to load quickly. Sandisk thus provides a storage system suitable for gamers, which ensures a smooth playback of different content. Additionally, this microSDX card can withstand temperatures from -25 C to 85 C. Since the switch is a small console above all else, it sometimes runs the risk of overheating during transport.
Click here for this Take advantage of the Amazon offer on the SanDisk Micro SD card
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