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Sand'Alecio goes out to sea without refinery approval: Municipality fined

Sand’Alecio goes out to sea without refinery approval: Municipality fined

Fined by the Port Authority and the Metropolitan City. The Commission requested it in 2017

Sand’Alecio goes out to sea without refinery approval: Municipality fined

Presented by Andrea Rifato | Today | Practical

The pipe discharges water to the sea

When this is said in addition to damage, insult. This is what the municipal executives of Sant’Alecio Siculo thought when presented to the town hall. The municipality was accused of violating the (purified) effluent from the sewage treatment plant, through the mouth of the Salis stream, without the necessary authorization from the Sicilian region. Administrative Violation A fine of 6 thousand 015 euros plus multiple fees must be paid by the Technical Area Manager and the Mayor within 30 days of the regulation being announced. The controversy has angered executives and technicians alike, with the current city government, which took office in June 2017, sending out a request to renew the accreditation considering that the previous 2013 expiration date had expired, but to date, by sending various notes and hearing news about the practice, the technical office has worked. , Not authorized. For example, in the municipality of nearby Santa Teresa de Riva, it is necessary to wait five years, from 2013 to 2018, to get approval for the landing. The technical office, headed by surveyor Giuseppe Mosella and mayor Giovanni Fotti, sent a defensive summary to the metropolitan city about the abuses without receiving any response: therefore, the board decided to appear in court immediately to protect rights and interests. The body believes it has always acted to seek renewal of accreditation because the municipality is allocating € 1,000 to hand over the legal order to Anita Maria Lowe, a lawyer for Mongiufi Melia, to proceed against the former provincial order. Denies permission linked to regional delays in completing the process and closing the file.

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