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Samsung mocks Apple for its iPhone 13 promotion displays: all marketing or real?

Samsung – Apple report mocked by

The battle between Android and iOS does not seem to be lowering the tone: now Samsung is making fun of a particular feature that Apple uses. Here is one and how.

Samsung – Apple report mocked by

Known as enmity Android vs iOS It has been going on since the beginning. Not only among users, they spend hours on online blogs responding to the most trivial allegations (“You who choose Apple do not understand anything about the technical data sheet and only pay for the brand. “) For those who go into detail and express old resentment (“Your phones will explode! But are you still talking?”) But between the two companies, they are always trying to outdo each other in one way or another in every product that is released in every update. Samsung has already ridiculed Apple for removing the audio jack on social media (saying the idea was nonsense) and then removing the power from the iPhone packaging (again, saying it was a ploy to increase the cost), but then get inspiration from Cupertino and do Exactly the same With their own Samsung Galaxy. But you know: you always have to keep your enemies close. Now, once again it will not be the last, Samsung is targeting Apple for it Promotion screen IPhone 13 Pro, which will be released on September 24th, but has already been delivered at the event on the 14th.

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Accusation or mockery, does it go far?

If you do not know what we are talking about, we inform you: Apple was one of the first manufacturers to introduce, not just the launcher Variable screen refresh rate, Initially only up to the tablet 120 Hz, With technology promotion IPad Pro in 2017. This year, as an aesthetic update choice, for the first time, the promotion has come on the new iPhone 13 Pro. But the joke comes because Apple came before Samsung in smartphones, and it was his idea that he put it down. Starting from Samsung Mobile’s Twitter account in the United States, in a post released on September 14, Apple did not mention the day of the California streaming event (so it was not a random day, but deliberately made clear). Or the iPhone 13 Pro (maybe to avoid a charge?), But targeted Phrase This is clear to everyone: “We’ve been updating at 120 Hz for a while …“, Which means: We have been updating to 120 Hz for some time …

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All this while Samsung unveiled its first 120Hz update screen on the Galaxy S20 in 2020, so not too long ago. Adaptive or changeable frequency A few months later, in 2020, the Galaxy Note 20 came with the Ultra 5G, after which this feature was not dropped.