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Review of the Green Initiative: Barbog for a 1000 Euro Subsidy for Freight Bikes - Politics

Review of the Green Initiative: Barbog for a 1000 Euro Subsidy for Freight Bikes – Politics

Green Chancellor candidate Annalena Barbach wants to support the purchase of freight bikes. “I think it’s very appropriate to fund freight bikes,” he said Sunday on the Tagesschau24 online program after recording an ARD summer interview. “Our recommendation is 1000 euros.”

There should not be a “complete inequality” for a subsidy of 6000 euros for electric cars. This will help those who do not have a driver’s license or do not like or can drive a car, for example, to bring their purchases home.

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On Sunday, the party received criticism from the CDU and the FDP and moved a proposal to demand one million freight bikes with a subsidy of 1,000 euros each from the central government. According to Greens, privately used freight bikes should also be eligible for a subsidy in the future. Currently only companies, municipalities or associations can apply for funding.

“There is no clean movement for free,” Green Budget politician Sven-Christian Kindler told the editorial network Germany (RNT). Freight bikes are very important at a turning point in transportation.

Many artisans and small businesses can provide their services and travel with e-cargo bikes. But funding for them is very limited. This applies to rental systems for e-cargo bikes and for families who want to buy cargo bikes.

Green Chancellor candidate Annalena Barbach wants to support the purchase of freight bikes.Photo: Imego Images / Martin Mல்லller

The sharpest criticism came from the FDP. “Greens wants to implement customer policy with taxpayers’ money, ”Deputy Parliamentary Committee Chairman Christian Dore said Sunday. “We will not save the global climate by subsidizing freight bikes in Berlin-Groesberg.”

Efficient climate protection also requires “no bureaucratic small subsidies, but a comprehensive emissions trade with a tough CO2 cap,” Dore said. This is the best way to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve climate goals. He called on the Greens to work with the FDP to expand certification business to all businesses “instead of getting lost in the small and the small.”

Union Division Deputy Ulrich Lange (CSU) rejected Kindler’s idea. He told the “Weld” that freight bikes can be a useful tool only in inner-city areas. Most of them live in the country. “Most people have nothing in the Green Plan, except they have to pay.”

CDU general secretary Paul Jimenez said on Twitter that the Greens’ proposals for the current election campaign would be “increasingly absurd and out of the world”.

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