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Recent Update - Removed work with Danny Trejo with

Recent Update – Removed work with Danny Trejo with

A few hours ago Ubisoft released a new update For Cry6, Which, among other things, is “Danny and Danny vs. Everyday” crossover mission removed In it appeared the famous American actor Danny Trejo. The search was added to the game in advance, and for this reason the developers decided to remove it.

For Cry 6’s official Twitter profile explains that the offensive task is actually still “at work” and was incorrectly added to the game. Players may have already noticed that the task is not complete because the rewards actually received do not match the ones announced by the game. This was the first in a series of cross-examination with Trejo.

In the update notes, which added new challenges, improved performance and a new special functionality, we know that in the future, this method will definitely be re-introduced in the full version. According to the official For Cry 6 map released by Ubisoft in September, the shortcut works for the “Danny and Danny vs Everybody” series are planned. Between December 2021 and January 2022 As free content.

Ubisoft, meanwhile, teases players who do not complete Far Cry 6 and sends them emails.

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