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Realmy GT Master Edition Test: A Medium Level Pass

Realmy GT Master Edition Test: A Medium Level Pass

The master version of the Realmy GT offers the same view of the 3 modules on the back of the Realme GT. If the ultra wide-angle and macro sensor are strictly identical, the core module will benefit from the slightest change. In fact, it has a slightly larger sensor than the 1/2 “1 / 1.73” for the Realm GT.

Volume Primary: 64 megapixels, f / 1,8, eq. 26 mm

64 megapixel mode

64 megapixels (crop 100%)
16 megapixels (crop 100%)

64 megapixels (crop 100%)
16 megapixels (crop 100%)

Day or night, switching to the full definition does not give a more satisfactory result than the default. Software processing does not provide a more detailed picture. In contrast, smoothing is very common – especially in low light.

16 megapixel mode (default)

During the day, the software processing of the GT Master is much higher than that of the GT. The shot is heavily saturated and provides less detail.

Realmy GT (éq. 26mm, f / 1,8, ISO 6464, 1/15V)
Realmy GT Master (éq. 26mm, f / 1,8, ISO 7587, 1/17V)

In low light, the Realmi GT Master’s large sensor allows the smartphone to deliver a slightly more detailed image, with slightly better colorimetry.

Google Pixel 4A (EQ 27mm, f / 1,7, ISO 63, 1/100S)
Realmy GT Master (éq. 26mm, f / 1,8, ISO 222, 1/100s)

Facing the Pixel 4a, the GT Master works well despite the strong accent of colors and the quality of the details being slightly behind.

Google Pixel 4A (EQ 27mm, f / 1,7, ISO 444, 1/8V)
Realmy GT Master (éq. 26mm, f / 1,8, ISO 7587, 1/17V)

Even the Night Shot should not be ashamed of Google’s smartphone. Pixel 4a delivers a better transparent image, but with digital noise. It is not in the image of the Realmy GT Master, which compensates for the high increase in sensitivity by the well-controlled software software.

Volume Ultra Grand-Angle: 8 megapixels, f / 2,3, eq. 16 mm

For the ultra wide-angle module, you can see our test of the RealMe GT:

Front module, portrait and video mode

On the front, the smartphone has a 32-megapixel volume, which offers good quality selfies. However, you should focus on the various beauty devices that are natural, and this will significantly change your face. The portrait pattern is firm, but sometimes stumbles upon small details such as hair or body hair.

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