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Rare smartphones, these older models are worth a lot – full list

Rare smartphones are also part of the collection. There are some that are highly coveted and worth a treasure

Rare smartphones
Some Rare Smartphones Are Awesome (Pixabay)

The The world of collecting No more surprises. Even in Italy, every day dozens of new ads are associated with very different material. From classic coins to rare brands, smartphones, records, vinyl, sneakers and more. There are some features they do Their values ​​skyrocket.

Today we return to talk Rare smartphones, Entered into this world by law for some very high values. Above all we are talking about devices that are unattainable, or have properties that are now lost. Check out this list right now and you can take home a good nest egg if you have one Without any effort.

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Rare smartphones, all of which are highly desirable

Rare smartphones
The most requested of all is here: Full List (Pixabe)

We are mainly talking about the pieces that are sold In the early 90s. Obviously rare smartphones are hard to find, but it can be worth the crazy stats. It is advisable to look at this list right now, especially if you have some older models at home. L’Ericsson T28For example, you can sell it for 100 euros. Same value for Nokia 8810, During the myth 3310 Value 150 euros.

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Always 150 euros Motorola Razr V3 e StarTAC, When Nokia E90 spokesperson They range from 200 to 500 euros. Let’s talk about Nokia 9000 spokesperson, Which can be sold for at least 500 euros. It then rises with 3 Mobira Senator 1000 euro, IPhone 2G 400 to 1000 and Motorola Dyna Doc 8000X A 1000.

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