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Transport en commun : Navigo dans l

Public Transport: Navigo on iPhone, see you in February!

This is the first good news of the year! Starting in February you can use your iPhone as a transportation ticket in Paris and the Ile-de-France. According to information from Parisian, Single Ticket, Weekly and Monthly Navigo Pass, Antipolusion package You can also buy a ticket to Orly or Rossi directly from your iPhone. The traveler can thank his smartphone, even if the switch is off – probably ” Energy supply Available Available From the iPhone XS.

Credit: IDFM

This novelty Confident Part of what the representative of the Viennese Vicaro Laboratory Group (joint venture of Ile-de-France Mobilites) said last October was that ticket purchases would be possible in the course of this new year. . He also explained how to recharge the Navigo Pass With NFC chip ”Available by the end of 2020, Cabbage White.

IDFM, which manages public transport in the region, has not yet been contacted on the matter, so we will be careful not to throw out champagne. There were relationships between the organization and Apple Stormy, The manufacturer does not want to open the NFC chip of its smartphones – or its terms. In the meantime, to use the dematerialisation of transport tickets in Ile-de-France, you must have Compatible Android smartphone.

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