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Public Broadcasting Debate: FDP Wants Broadcast Reform, Journalists' Anti-Culture

Public Broadcasting Debate: FDP Wants Broadcast Reform, Journalists’ Anti-Culture

It’s about reducing broadcast fees – and about the workings of broadcasting. The FDP’s demand for “broadcast and structural reform” of public broadcasting, including the reduction of television and radio channels, has provoked strong criticism.

Following the conclusion of the FDP Federal Party Conference on Saturday to include these key issues in the electoral program, the German Press Association (DJV) spoke of the “popular contribution to the emotionally heated debate”. Frank Eberol, the union’s federal leader, insisted that reducing public service broadcasting as a major privilege was unconstitutional. The party is holding a seat on the bench of radio protesters with Afti and some parts of the union. Again and again there was talk of “state radio” and “compulsory payment” in Afti and far-right circles.

The FDP party conference passed an amendment with a narrow majority on Saturday evening, calling for a reduction in broadcasting fees and a reduction in the number of public channels. “Unnecessary parallel concessions should be avoided,” it really says in the election program.

He added: “We Democrats want a more modern and slim public broadcasting service that focuses mainly on news, culture, political education and documentaries. We want to reduce broadcasting fees. “It is clear that the required concentration of information indicates a reduction in the rate of entertainment.

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The election program also addresses the current controversy over the significantly changing internet presence of public broadcasters: it should be limited to areas that are comparable to or directly related to traditional broadcasting. A dual media system that works requires balance. “It is not பணிRR’s job to compete with every internet offer of private newspapers and media companies,” says the FDP program. The media and dissent should be strengthened in this way.

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FDP General Secretary Volker Wiesing campaigned in vain that the application should be rejected. Considering the pension costs and rising costs for public broadcasters, the reduction in broadcasting fees is “unreliable”. Nonetheless, the movement received 185 to 179 votes and a slim majority of 50.7 percent.

In his review, DJV boss Peral pointed out that the broadcasting policy is based on the federal states. “Bundestock is not responsible,” he stressed. (dpa / AFP / Tsp)