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PS5: How do you know if you are playing the next gen version of a game?

PS5: How do you know if you are playing the next gen version of a game?

Our colleagues at Tomskite have released a guide to find out if you’ve playing the next gen version of a game on the PS5.


Although many gamers do not have it, The PS5 Are still in the hands of many. These will be the last Can finally play the next gen games. This, even with the PS4 versions.

Because yes you can play if you don’t know Your games are new from the previous console. Assassin’s Creed, Cyberpunk, Or ink NBA 2K21 So let’s play on the new tech ornament Sony.

If you have a version, you can run it regularly Surely PS5. This allows Pleasant graphics And a fluid never seen before. However, some people do not know how to do this.

In fact, most people do not know if they are actually running a version PS5 On their console. Because you have to Create a special update In order to upgrade your version. But how do you do that?

Assurance from our colleagues Tomskite Are coming Install a wizard Answer all these questions. First, get to know it Sony You should see a warning message to warn you.

Find out if you find yourself Run a good version. In fact, it’s fun to miss the opportunity to play the right rendering best on a console you’ve struggled with.

PS5: How do you know if you are playing the next gen version of a game?
PS5: How do you know if you are playing the next gen version of a game?

How to run next gen version on PS5?

News or not, you need to check one thing. In fact, you have to throw Look at the game icon In the main menu. If you look at the mark எஸ் PS4The game is in the old version.

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If you look at this inscription, but there is a small arrow below, a version PS5 It turns out that available. There you are Download it. Note that once this is done, you can switch between the two versions.

But how to download the update PS5 ? Tomskite Answer. In fact, the media explains that you are compelled Access your game library Click on the game in question. Once you get there, you need to click on the menu with three horizontal dots.

You are approaching the goal. You should be there when you get there Access to downloadable versions of the game. All you have to do is click the button where you want to start the download.

Now, you have fiber The update will be done in a few minutes, Or you do not have it, waiting for several hours to get the correct version. We hope you are part of the elite, otherwise you are a very patient person.