Anyone who controls a smart home with a homemade IP must currently accept certain restrictions. According to the manufacturer, this is the cause of cloud connectivity issues.
Are you running Smart Home with Homematic IP and currently having problems? You are not alone in this. According to the manufacturer, this is due to “connection restrictions between some existing Homematic IP installations and the Homematic IP Cloud”. The solution has already been worked out, it says Provider’s Website.
The full report from Homematic IP can be found on the website or below:
Dear Homematic IP Users, We are registering connection controls between some existing Homematic IP installations and the Homematic IP Cloud. As a result, activities controlled via the cloud are not available or only to a limited extent. The basic functionality of the devices is ensured due to the intelligent actuators and extensive direct connections. All direct connections between devices operate without restrictions. Of course, we are already working to fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience so far. We will notify you as soon as we receive new information.
Home IP
Current fault diagram from Homematic
The incident map was last updated on December 29, 2021 at 1:10 pm. You can find our current version Crash indicator for Homematic. There we try – as much as possible – to help you solve the problem.
Affected cities and regions
- Frankfurt am Main
- Hamburg
- Munich
- Berlin
The most common disorders
- App crashes (4.73%)
- Login (22.80%)
- Others (69.03%)
- Website (3.44%)
Error report from
We’re constantly measuring the availability of Home Server servers and services and showing any issues or malfunctions. The current can be found here Fault level for Homematic, Support addresses and statements from the manufacturer regarding this issue. You can also see if this disorder is a local problem or an upper regional problem.
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