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Polar Bears lose 2: 3 against Wolfsburg: good position, stupid end - game

Polar Bears lose 2: 3 against Wolfsburg: good position, stupid end – game

Tony Soderhome had an interesting evening at the Mercedes Benz-Arena. Or so he said. After extra time against Wolfsburg on Monday, Iceberg was one of 130 national ice hockey coaches in the hall allowed to watch 2: 3 (0: 0, 1: 2, 1: 0/0: 1).

“It’s a fast, high-quality game,” Finn said. “You can see the league progressing week by week. The situation is much better now.”

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The snow level is definitely better than the game plan. Because it’s already a bit adventurous in the German Ice Hockey League (DEL) this season, but in that sense it matches the wild time. Six days ago, the Berliners lost 2: 3 after extra time against the Grizzlies in Berlin. They were already under pressure with the Berliners to move something against Wolfsburg on Monday as they trailed 3: 5 at Bremerhaven after the first home defeat. After all, the only real contenders for the Polar Bears to top the Northern Group in the two-part league this season are the ones with the Bremerhavens.

Coach Pat Cortina’s team knows how to handle a challenging game on the ice, especially the Northern European division around Sweden’s high scorers Max Korts and Finns Matti Jorvinen and Becca Jormacca. So a game was quickly developed at a high level in which the polar bears were better at the start but lost perspective in the second third.

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Frenchman Anthony Reich first used a foul on Berlin’s defense to add 2-0 in the power play to Garrett Festerling Wolfsburg. The Polar Bears risked losing the game – as they did last time in Bremerhaven – in the second third. A power player from Zack Boyce arrived just in time.

In the third section, Berlin came back into play, as evidenced by the balance of Jonas Mல்லller. In the end, as it was six days ago, it went into overtime when the score was 2: 2. Jormacca got two penalty minutes, but the Polar Bears could not use the majority, so Wolfsburg won after a counter attack 48 seconds before the end. By Jormacca – Who else.