“Pokemon Legends: Arcius” is very reminiscent of “Zelda: Breath of the Wild”.
© YouTube / Nintendo
Nintendo and developer Game Freak are breaking new ground: with “Pokemon Legends: Arcius” the open world role-playing game is now coming to the switch.
During the “Pokemon Presents” event, a new series of pocket monster worlds was announced: Open-World-Spill* Ok Pokemon Legends: Arcius “ Players will end up in Feudal Sino – this area is known to fans of “Pokemon Diamond” and “Pokemon Pearl”. Despite the new approach, a lot are the same, for example gamepro.de Reports: Players catch pocket monsters with bokeh balls and fight with them. In the course of the game, something new will be known about Pokemon Agrius. It was first delivered in the fourth generation.
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“Pokemon Legends: Arcius” takes place in the Sinno region of the past, which means that Pokமொmon coaches and the Pok கருத்துmon League have not yet commented. Goal First Bocadex Area to create. While exploring nature, players can encounter and catch wild Pokமொmon. To catch pocket monsters with a bokeh ball, players must first read their behavior and sneak up on them. These can be trained to be used in tactical round-the-clock battles against the wild Pokemon. Starter Pokemon will again be familiar faces: players can choose between Boss (7. Generation), Fiery hedgehog (2nd generation) and Ottaro Select (5th generation).
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“Pokemon Legends: Arcius” is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2022
Although many common elements of the series are used, it does Open-World-Spill But the breath of fresh air: not the least, because it is reminiscent of “The Legend of Zelda: Wild breath”. But what the mysterious Pokemon Arcius is has not yet been revealed. The game that will work for the Nintendo Switch is set to be released in 2022. (fk) * tz.de is a privilege IPPEN.MEDIA.
Video: Trailer for “Pokemon Legends: Arcius”
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