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Pixel 5's adaptive sound can be played on older pixels as well - here's how

Pixel 5’s adaptive sound can be played on older pixels as well – here’s how

Vitto Laminafra

When December feature fall, His Pixel5 Has arrived Adaptive sound, A function that allows you to automatically balance the sound of the device according to the conditions of your location, for example, minimize echo and noise as much as possible. Unfortunately this feature is not available Officially Only for the latest Google devices, ie Pixel 4A5G e Pixel5.

Fortunately for owners of older models, XDA users Freak07 He found a way to get it Adaptive sound su tu i pixel, Whether they have root permissions or not.

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Pixel with root permissions

In this case the installation is very simple and the important message is that the device is still active after restarting. First you need to download the Pixel 5 specific version of the app Device customization services Gives This link. Once installed (this application is already on your device, but it will still be updated with the APK you downloaded), you will need to download and install the Magisk module Adaptive_Audio_Settings_Function, Available within the application Magic Manager Or download and flash manually This link. The adaptive sound device will remain active after restarting.

Pixel without root permissions

In this case the installation is a little more complicated. You must first download and install the application Device customization services Gives This link. Once installed, you need to run it Debugging USB From Developer Options, connect the device to your computer. You must type the following commands from the terminal:

adb shell
device_config put device_personalization_services AdaptiveAudio__enable_adaptive_audio true
device_config put device_personalization_services AdaptiveAudio__show_promo_notification true

When this is done, the adaptive sound option will be available in the settings, but be careful not to restart the device: the function will stop working and you will need to follow these steps.

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Via: XDA Developers