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Pescara, P.D. “Govt boom but municipal schools drop” - HG News

Pescara, P.D. “Govt boom but municipal schools drop” – HG News

Teachers have no additional screening or warranty “
Center-Left: “Surreal decision of majority, families and teachers left to defend themselves”

Pescara – There is no suspension of teaching activities in the presence of middle schools, there is no isolation for teachers of abnormal screenings and isolated classes, they have to go to school regularly with the risk of infection to other classes. This is the position taken by the municipality of Pescara, which, in the midst of an increase in infections from Govt-19 in the city’s ten comprehensive institutions, has rejected plans on the agenda put forward with center-left support. 5 star motion.

The four points proposed by the minority and rejected by the Leica, Forza Italia, Fradelli de Italia and center-right civic lists: Decision not to include teachers of isolated classes, screening and suspending activities in high schools Request to evaluate active supervision for compliance with regulations in an unusual way.

Union representatives Nicola Trotta (Flc-Cgil), Elizabeth Marico and Luca Buglielli (Sisle Scula), Fatiola Pescara and Ortolano (Yul Scola) were severely affected by the region’s decision to exclude teachers from the Centers for Outbreaks at the Epidemiology Center.

“The situation described by the teachers’ representatives and the rest of the staff is worrying,” Giampietro told the commission, adding that “at this subtle stage the whole city should be on the school side”.

Then, in the congregation, came the cold rain. “The condition of Pescara’s schools is deteriorating once an hour, and we have proposed a general knowledge agenda, which is proposed to take extraordinary measures that will not only limit the closure of campuses, it will not be compatible with the rest. Isolated Asl” Councilor Stefania Catalno explains D., explained the agenda of Lista Slocco Cindago and Pescara Citte Aberta, “We propose a central right to sign with us so that we do not return. This will become a biased document: but the right side of the rejection center does not share the contents of the document.” While, we are glad to face such irresponsibility, there are others like Hills who, instead are not placed in isolation precisely because, report According to reports, during these hours by Largo Madonna’s parents, some teachers and guards will be positive, while isolation will only apply if there are positive ones among children in the Abruzzo region. In this case, we have already asked the City Council’s Regulatory and Guarantee Commission to meet in the next few hours to understand the cleaning times and methods. But in the meantime, the municipality’s center – right has decided to reject a request for help from union representatives before the table with the region. The mayor is the city’s top health official and chairman.

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“These cannot be separable issues – says Councilor Marco Prasutti (PD) – the school in Pescara has dramatically become a major health emergency, and the whole of Abruzzo is watching with concern the case represented by our city as a whole: in the face of this situation there is an urgent center-right shrinkage, in the region Fulfills all responsibility not to interfere with big maneuvers.We reiterate the need for an extraordinary intervention in Pescara to suspend face-to-face teaching to high schools, to implement permanent screening on campuses and to prevent teachers from abandoning their fate.
“I regret that in this administration the Council is being held hostage to the interests of the majority who cares more about itself than the public interest, even when only the Opposition wants to act. In this way – Francesco Bacchnelli is included – the function of the City Council has been confirmed. If they are not available to protect students and teachers, will they ever show that they care about the public interest? I am sad as a former Prime Minister.