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Only three mail applications are recommended for Android

Only three mail applications are recommended for Android

Berlin (dpa / tmn) – Email applications are promising. Suspicious applications exploit this trust of users. Many mail applications are not reliable in terms of security and privacy, and some are obviously destructive. This is the conclusion drawn by the consumer protection portal “MobilSigerHeat” after a comparison of 20 email applications for Android smartphones and tablets.

Seven apps were downloaded millions of times from Google’s Play Store, actively read email content in the test, and gained access to the addresses of both senders and recipients. Additionally, some application developers have sent their email account password to their server, which is not required to provide the service.

Free choice

You can freely select and install the Mail app you want to use on your smartphone or tablet. It does not have to come from the email provider you created your email address to, but it can. It does not have to be a pre-installed mail application on a factory smartphone.

Nine applications did not read any email content in the test, but combined advertising and tracking and transferred user data to the app’s provider and third parties.

Three prototypes

However, ” Fair email“,” K-9 Mail“And “pEp mailThe “three applications” are the prototype. “The developers of these applications did not receive information about mails or addresses or passwords sent in the test.

“Fair Email” and “K-9 Mail” are simple and functional, created on a voluntary basis and funded by donations. According to reports, “pEp Mail” is created by a foundation and provides the functionality for the final to final encryption of mail.

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