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The Guam Govt Alert app is available for download on iOS and Android devices.

Only one-third of the COVID-19 usage is 60% goal download

The Guam Govt Alert app is available for download on iOS and Android devices.

Download rates for the Guam Covit-19 warning application are much lower than expected.

When the application was launched in September, the goal was to reach 60% within two weeks. This application helps to warn those who have tested positive for the virus with other active users during COVID-19 transmission events.


“We’re not close to our goal, but we’re slowly getting there,” Carrera said.

Related:COVID-19 application download rate is less than 60% of the target

“Before we started, we approached community partners and did presentations for them, and we hope that with grassroots effort, they can help us spread the message,” Carrera said.