In Italy, according to official data, there are 128 thousand positive people. Fortunately, only 3.1 percent have been hospitalized. In fact, the number of victims is very high. It is difficult to make an estimate, considering past experience as a total of at least 200 thousand people, but the foundations to support it are not firm.
I’m clear, the experts are only unbalanced in the total data: systematically inside Italy Of those who coped with the infection, 4.2 million, but at least double, about 8-9 million, were positive because, as many do not know, they are asymptomatic and never prevented by wiping. At the onset of the infection that unannounced percentage was very high, then gradually decreased as monitoring improved and the number of swabs performed increased. Today, however, the piece of asymptomatic individuals who do not appear in the official data may have grown again, a significant decrease in the number of tests performed in recent days (in “August C”) by Professor Roberto Gouda, director of infectious diseases at the Jemelie Polyclinic in Rome (in this way we do not interfere with many positives »). But there are other reasons. Not a part of the first population Vaccinate Fear of a kind of “social stigma”.
Professor Massimo Andrioni, head of infectious diseases at the Dor Vercada Polyclinic in Rome: அவர்களுக்கு Perhaps they have mild symptoms, fever and cough. However, they avoid vaccinating so they should not be recognized as naively refusing the vaccine and then taking it Govt. This type of people are included in many who avoid the test because they do not want to accept being in isolation, despite being determined to stay in touch with the positive for a long time. Finally, they do the antigenic and then escape from the molecule or, again, seek the “do it yourself” test, but if a positive result occurs they will not report it to the health officer. All of these people come into conscious positives, however, recklessly, decide to stay in the shade, on the one hand there is the risk of worsening the disease, on the other hand the spread of the virus. “But then – says Andreoni – a whole piece of the population is asymptomatic, but don’t know, don’t know. Let’s start with one fact: the delta variant has an R with zero between 6 and 8, so it’s much simpler to infect than the English variant. Runs between ages, but in most cases, although not always, those ages have no symptoms or they are very mild. Not a big problem because in this way they develop natural immunity.
What is it about? Various studies have shown that the rate of re-infection is much lower in people who have been infected in the previous months, after the disease or infection has passed. According to a study published in Jama in May and conducted by seven researchers (Jose Vittale, Nicola Mumoli, Pierrezlo Clerici, Massimo de Pascal, Isabella Evangelista, Marco Sea and Antonino Mason) who examined the data of seven Lombard hospitals. Recurrence is rare ிகளில், of the 1,579 patients, after 230 days, only 5 had re-infection, 0.31 percent. Other studies have shown that antibody protection is 95 percent higher in people who have been infected for more than a year. Therefore, it is normal to conclude that those without unknown symptoms will not be affected by this fall. “But the strong circulation of the virus – Andreoni warns – also increases the risk of the most vulnerable people in their fifties and over if they are all protected. Vaccine, It will not be a problem. In Italy, however, we have more than 4 million people over the age of 50 who have not been vaccinated.
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