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Older PCs with Windows 11 do not receive updates

Older PCs with Windows 11 do not receive updates

Owners of older computers can install the operating system, but then have to live with a major flaw.

From the idea of Windows 11 Especially when a topic dominates topics, viz System requirements. Officially, the operating system is not supported on millions of older PCs, which has received some criticism from Microsoft.

As On the edge Reportedly, this does not mean that owners of older PCs will not automatically benefit from the new operating system. You can install it well, but you have to install it manually ISODownload the file and install from storage media (eg USB stick), just like in the old days.

There is another catch to this approach: you get nothing Updates Granted, Microsoft has now announced The Edge. Accordingly, security-related updates should also be noted – this is a huge problem for users.

Are they serious?

It’s hard to imagine if Microsoft would really pull this off. The company first wants to point out that no updates are guaranteed – however, in practice, older PCs are also provided with them if possible.

Especially when it comes to security updates, delivery has happened in the past when Microsoft did not support the operating system.

In this regard, it is difficult to imagine that all ISO installations on PCs that are not officially supported are excluded from all updates in principle.

Although Microsoft provides security updates, this can be a chore for older PC owners. For example, if you suddenly find yourself re-manual Driver Instead of delivering conveniently and directly through Windows Update to different types of hardware.

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Failures in unsupported settings

Is in one of Microsoft Website Highlighted other issues that could cause problems in unsupported settings.

Especially mentioned here Reliability. Devices that do not meet the minimum system requirements fail 52 percent of additional kernel mode tests. On the other hand, PCs with supported hardware have “99.8 percent crash experience”. Mention is also made of the security of the supported hardware and the advanced compatibility with many programs.

Confusion arises

Its main feature is that the update and the system requirements in Windows 11 are another chapter in the story confusion that will only be fully clear when the operating system is prepared and released. This is expected by the end of the year.