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Nintendo Switch Pro called the new Nintendo Switch?  USA த்திலிருந்து Blindly from the Pokemon Millennium

Nintendo Switch Pro called the new Nintendo Switch? USA த்திலிருந்து Blindly from the Pokemon Millennium

Rumors about them are starting again Nintendo Switch Pro, This time the console name is targeted. The title of the site will be the same as revealed Amazon Mexico A few days ago, its release now seemed like a matter of hours, so the hardware of the big N had to be called New Nintendo Switch, Second Gamestop.

In fact, the American merchant created one Specify In order to get the bonus to spend on the new console, customers have to switch to the new Nintendo Switch in an ad placed on its website that highlights the ad for bringing their old consoles. The suspicious ambassador of the Kyoto house has also joined Nintendo Switch Light e Xbox Series X ES, The promotion will start on June 13 and end on the 19th of the same month. Gamestop doesn’t seem to be the only one making a mistake, but if it hadn’t, the announcement of the new site might have been too close, and now E3 week is on its course, Nintendo Live June 15 can assign this surprise.

New Nintendo Switch

Gamestop may have used the word “new” to refer to an existing console, so it should be pointed out that this is only a new Nintendo Switch. There is not much information at this time and it is not possible to confirm the veracity of the rumor, however, it really makes one think about the arrival of new hardware.