Kanye visited the Nintendo booth during that E3, and was even able to spend some time with Shigeru Miyamoto. He then requested a meeting with Reggie, who met at one of Connie’s offices in Calabasas, California.“Part of it was talking about what he was,” Reggie explained. “He was testing video game content; he wanted reactions to it. He came out and said, ‘I want to work with Nintendo.’
“We had various projects going on at Nintendo, and it was not possible to do anything with Kanye now, so I had to find a way to politely decline this opportunity to work with him. I said to him, ‘Kanye, we don’t want to work with you because we are hard. Content is motivating.We will not be the partner you want to work with. ‘He looked at me and said,’ Reggie, for that reason you are the partner I want! ‘ It says, ‘Oh Ghosh.’
Reggie said the meeting was not only “interesting” but that Kim Kardashian-West was also there. Although the project never saw the light of day, Reggie and Nintendo both realized that “Kanye has such an interest in video game space, he’s a creator.”Kanye’s history with sports extends beyond this one encounter, as he revealed that he was working on a game on a single topic that would have players holding his mother Tonda “to the highest gates of paradise” holding the light. When he announced the plan in 2015, little news about it had been circulating ever since.
Image Credit: Rob Kim / Getty Images.
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Adam Banhurst is the news correspondent for IGN magazine. You can follow him on Twitter D Adampunkurst And Traction.
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