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NextCloud 24: Release, News, Download

It’s one of the most active open source projects today: Nextcloud Hub comes in cloud version 24 and includes improvements from several hundred contributors: more than 4,000 changes since the last version was released in December 2021.

Nextcloud 24 is here And its success confirmed: Swedish government declares NextCloud a “key solution for digital cooperation”. Cloud has relied on the city of Geneva, a local bank in Munich, 15,000 teachers in Luxembourg, more than 35,000 middle school students and teachers in France, and 750,000 students and researchers in Sweden.

Nextcloud 24: What’s new

Let’s review that Major innovations Its edition, released by the European Joint Cloud, was released on May 24, 2022. For this version, a lot of work has been done. Performance level To accommodate big events and enhance the user experience.

Migrated users

The Migrated users Allows you to export your data from the next cloud to an archive. Everything from settings and files to bookmarks and calendars.

File protection

The file manager comes forward to specify Edit permissions, Delete, Download in shared folders. Email sharing with a password, with a temporary token, can be configured to distrust a pre-defined password.

Finally, Nextcloud Files introduces a Enterprise Search APIThis allows Nextcloud content to be indexed by a third-party search tool.

Mail and diary are still up to date

While this is a bit of a bad touch from previous versions, Nextcloud Groupware offers a number of enhancements to this version, especially based on the email manager: you can Cancel sending or define sending moment (Send later), two functions that are widely used in Gmail.

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Calendar Apps is now a “Accept the denial“Invitations can change your position directly on the web interface.

Nextcloud Talk significantly improves its performance and introduces interactive features such as reactions (especially thanks to emojis). A Media tab Allows you to search and view all media files shared in the chat.

NextCloud Office: Tabs

Developed with Collabora (based on LibreOffice), the Nextcloud Office suite introduces a major step in this version, New tab menu interface. To facilitate cooperation, the File lock function Legacy now allows automatic locking through Office Apps (text, Colobora online) when editing.

Finally, NextCloud introduces text, composite text editor, tables, “infoboxes”, live image upload and automatic closing of emojis.

Download NextCloud 24

you can Free download Next Cloud24 Or go one wayHosting provider Partner. Toker movie Find out here. A ஒடி More is provided.

The Applications Windows, MacOS, Linux (AppImage), iOS and Android.

NextCloud is Open source softwareIts growth was centralized On Kitub.