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New Major Games and Other Spin-Offs in the 2022 Fiscal Year, A Leak -

New Major Games and Other Spin-Offs in the 2022 Fiscal Year, A Leak –

Soon we will be able to get our hands on Pokemon Arcus Legends, but it looks like it will not be the only game in the soon-to-be-released Game Freak story. According to a leak, when Fiscal year 2022 Another will be released The main game of the Pokemon series, In addition to spin-off games.

The source of this rumor Samus HunterPosted on January 3, 2022. It all went smoothly, but now it’s interesting that part of his leak turned out to be true: Samus Hunter had said that the Arsius Pokemon Legends themed event would be proposed for Tetris 99. ; Then everything was officially confirmed.

Hunter explains that another will be released in fiscal 2022 The main chapter of the series, Which is at the level of Pokemon Legends Arcius and Pokemon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl. It is unclear what the remake or game dedicated to the new generation of creatures will be, but according to the leak it will be announced by trailer in June. Teaser may also be released a few months ago. According to Hunter, this is not a new Lets co-style game – he says it could be a new generation.

However, the Pokமொmon company still needs to be planned. In fact, there is talk of something new Spin-off for mobile and console. Samus Hunter speculates that this may be related to Detective Picasso, but this is only his cause, not the leak.

Finally, Hunter says they will be there Updates to the latest episodes of Saga, Pokémon Arceus Legends etc. You can learn about here.

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As always, let’s remember that it’s about Rumor Also, although Sams Hunter appears to be credible, we cannot consider what he pointed out to be confirmed or official. All we have to do is wait for confirmation or denial from Nintendo.