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New discounts on eShop at the 2021 Game Awards

Do not miss the new Nintendo offers, they are only available for a short time

Sports Awards 2021 Start soon, and for the occasion Nintendo Startups of Dedicated discounts For some of the most popular topics Nintendo Switch.

We list some of them Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Zelda: Link Awareness, Splatoon 2, Hydroline cadence, Monster Hunter Rise, Ori and the Will of the Whispers And others.

The bottom is full Ready Topics discounted for this short period of time:

Sports Discount
The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening 30%
Monster Hunter Rise 25%
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Expansion Boss – Bundle 30%
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Expansion pass 30%
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 30%
Mortal Combat11 70%
Doom is eternity 60%
Ori and the Will of the Whispers 60%
Features Cadence of Hyrul: Crypt of the Negrotancer
Description of Zelda Season Boss – Bundle
Features Cadence of Hyrul: Crypt of the Negrotancer
Description of Zelda Season pass
Guidance of Hirool: Featuring The Legend of Zelda by Crypt of the Negrotancer 30%
FIFA 22 Nintendo Switch Legacy Edition 30%
Knock out city 50%
Knockout City Deluxe Edition 50%
Octopus traveler 30%
Spelling2 60%
The hot wheels were unleashed 30%
Forgotten City – Cloud Edition 20%
No more home 35%
Splatoon 2 / Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion Bundle 30%
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion 30%
Splatoon 2 30%
Spirit Fair 50%
Carian 40%
Raji: An Ancient Epic 50%
Rogue 60%
By The Darkest of Times 66%

Discounts start in the eveningEvent On top of that Nintendo eShop Will be active until 15 midnight December. This Link You can access Official site Of the event.

See also  My Nintendo Calendar 2022 is available Nintendo Connect

You will use the offers to expand your offers Digital collection? You already have some of these topics Wishlist Are you waiting for favorable offers?