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Netflix also targets video games in 2022 Nintendo Connect

Netflix may expand its streaming list in the coming year and target video games in addition to movies. How Bloomberg Reports say Netflix will do just that in 2022. For this, Mike Ward was brought aboard, where he will no longer serve as vice president of sports development.

Word already includes Oculus, VR headset from Facebook and EA. Has worked in mobile. He was responsible for expanding their video game divisions. Oculus worked with developers to bring games and other content to virtual reality headsets. Although Netflix has not yet officially announced plans, Verdu’s hiring has been confirmed.

“The idea is to have video games on the Netflix streaming platform by next year,” said someone familiar with the situation. In addition to the current fee, games are integrated directly into the current program and are not provided as a separate application or website. According to current information, the company does not plan to charge extra for the content, which will make the service more attractive to me. The video game team is set to expand significantly in the coming months and can also be found on the official website Related job ads.

Interactive patterns have already been tested in the past. Netflix has not yet confirmed video game schedules, according to reports, but they should be classic games and not other interactive series. Google Stadia & Co. Have shown the way – now Netflix also wants a piece of Princess Peach Cake!

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