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WWE: Murphy sorprende tutti e scarica l'intera famiglia Mysterio

Murphy surprises everyone and pushes the entire Mysterio family away

WWE: Murphy surprises everyone and pushes the whole mystery family away

In recent weeks, Friday night SmackDown athlete Murphy has disappeared from the WWE Blue Show TV screens for some time, returning in the absence of his former mentor, who eventually became his mainstay Seth Rollins.

After the departure of the Messiah on Monday night, Murphy was also sidelined for WWE storytelling due to the absence of his eldest daughter, Rooks, due to a massive lack of comments from the WWE creative community.
However, when Rollins returned to the TV screens of the blue show on Friday night, Murphy also reappeared in front of SmackDown cameras, trying to reconnect with his former guide, who he did not want to know anything about at the moment.

Murphy retreats with his fiance and the entire Mysterio family

A Bolt from Blue, in a comment he wrote overnight on his Instagram account, revealed to Murphy WWE Universe fans that he was guilty of taking advantage of Murphy’s talent. .
Considering it comes like a punch in the stomach, Murphy said after a very long storyline starting Monday night and ending several months later on the SmackDown rings:

Let’s get transparent!

Mysterio used me! I never needed them! I am beyond all of the best in-ring artists on the planet! Alya used me to stay on TV and improve her acting career. Dominic used me because he had a reason to be on the ring site.

Ray was jealous that I had become the new face of the lighter type, and he was questionable. They took what they wanted and then left me in the shadows! Sounds like coming back when I was at NXT. “

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Strangely enough, Murphy wrote this post first and then deleted it immediately, even though he could find a screen shot shared by a well-known site. Ringside News. Now let’s see if WWE plans to follow up with Murphy’s character or if he made a terrible mistake it will effectively reconcile a twist and turn that comes on screen on SmackDown in the next episodes.