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Multiplayer - Halo Infinite has been looking for a designer for months to monetize

Multiplayer – Halo Infinite has been looking for a designer for months to monetize

343 Industries is looking for something new Designer Manages that Hollow Infinite Monetization System: The team has been hired since October, but it looks like the right person has not been found yet.

343 Industries currently wants to hire (and for several months) hire a dedicated cash designer Create the most impressive and sustainable store. In other words, the 343i may want to make some changes to the current cosmetic micro transaction systems.

The hired person will “develop and create new ones Monetization systems Consistent with our vision of Halo Infinite and our respect for our players’ time and their cash investment. The “designer too” must collaborate with design and art groups to develop a strategic plan for creating sporting goods. And run regular updates on the in-game store “.

Master Chief of Hollow Infinite
Master Chief of Hollow Infinite

I 343 professions were publicly criticized Prices Some cosmetic elements, such as blue, which can cost up to $ 8, or a set of armor effects that can go up to $ 20. Even if a new person – with a new vision – joins 343 businesses, Halo Infinite’s monetization system will not change significantly.

Anyway, it’s safe to say that the Hollow Infinite Development team wants to continue developing a free monetization system for the game: we’ll wait for the news.

343 Industries has also lost some important members in recent times; Aaron Linde, for example, has joined Rebellion Games: he is the former lead story designer for Hollow Infinite.