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Mottarone, morti di...sfortuna. Polverizzazione responsabilità e scarica barile portano a questa bestemmia

Motoron, died … unfortunate. Responsible pulse and barrel discharge lead to this stigma.

Motoron, One magistrate overrides the other to some extent Magistrate Done. The first magistrate to handcuff three people in jail, the second two and one under house arrest. The first magistrate thinks they can escape or contaminate the evidence, the second dismisses him.

After all, the first magistrate thought the trio knew and was close to choosing to deactivate the emergency brakes to move the cable car, while the second magistrate found that what they both knew was unreasonable, and in fact holds only one of the three responsible for the criminal selection.

Thus, the second magistrate treats innocent leaders on the basis of logic, however, pointing to employees who are materially attached to so-called forks: and “they may deny”. Between one magistrate and another, liability for this incident is triggered in the expanding nebula.

I put it on, they know … no, never know

It is in the protection rights and it is predicted: i Three suspects (They remain so) They accept responsibility for each other. One in three agrees with the continuous and consistent practice of operating the cable car without brakes. He says he did it because the bosses didn’t want to stop him, so he wants to share the blame with the other two. The other two deny always knowing about the choice and procedure of forks.

The first magistrate found that they did not know, and the second that they did not know was logical. But the forks were glued in place, so more than one person knew: the technicians, the workers, which people, who? What criminal connection is there in knowing? When it is tested, it will be slalom and site between mutual barrel discharges.

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Did the brake click because the rope was broken?

The brake may have been released accurately for several weeks because the tow rope was broken. But one in three suspects said: Something happened once in a million. He seems to have said something similar when the group forks in the cable car canceled the brakes, in fact it seems to be for sure, those who somehow tried to somehow share the idea that it could not happen, that it almost never happened. Instead it happens, but there are no eyes to see what is happening.

Because, the cableway and downstream of the so-called Cableway in Italy, the no-do rule has been removed because you can’t. Is replaced by the rule that it should not be done only if there is restraint, otherwise, if it is convenient, it is done. Control is almost never there and ethical maintenance of one’s actions is obsolete and now an attractive act. There is no control by others or alone.

Misfortune can be bad and cursed misfortune, the only reluctance is the fear of misfortune. Here, between spraying responsibilities and proper test barrel discharge, we head towards the station of the 14 people who died … unfortunate. An uncivilized insult.