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Metroid Prime 4 Update: Nintendo Switch Release Date Coming Soon Great News For Fans |  Gaming |  Entertainment

Metroid Prime 4 Update: Nintendo Switch Release Date Coming Soon Great News For Fans | Gaming | Entertainment

Metroid Prime 4 is one of the biggest games going towards the Nintendo switch, but little is known about Samus’ next adventure. The Metroid Prime 4 was re-announced during E3 2017, just months after the Nintendo Switch first hit the shelves. However, there has been very little news about this project since then.

The last big announcement came in 2019, when Nintendo announced at the beginning of the year that development on the Metroid Prime 4 would be re-launched.

Since then neither Nintendo nor the developers have come out with a logo and a brief teaser from Retro Studios about Metroid Prime 4.

However, after a few months of radio silence Metroroid fans have been given an update about the mysterious Nintendo Switch project.

As revealed In a post‌ Through GameGrant, Retro Studios has posted some new job listings, indicating that Metroid Prime 4 has reached the next stage of development.

The three job advertisements stated that the spec candidate for the product tester position, and for the role, would work on “pre-released software”. Although there is no specific mention of Metroid Prime 4 in the job advertisement, this title is the highest level game certified to work by Retro Studios.

So the opening indicates that the testers are ready to raise their hand to test the game, which is a sign that we are one step closer to release. There have been rumors that Metroroid Prime 4 may get a surprise release date in October this year.

However, halfway through October, the release date of the Metroid Prime 4 will soon be higher than ever. The largest Nintendo switch game on the horizon is the Hiroole Warriors Age of Calamity, which is set to launch next month.

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While this is the largest Nintendo Switch game to launch for the rest of 2020, 2021 will be packed with releases.

There are plenty of Nintendo Switch games already announced that do not have a release date that could see the light of day in 2021.

Metroid Prime 4 is one of these titles, Wild 2’s Zelda Breath and Bayonetta 3.

Both the Metroid Prime 4 and the Bayonetta 3 were announced in 2017, and fans have yet to see game-screen shots or gameplay footage of either project.

These games are not the only high-profile releases that have their sleeves for Nintendo 2021.

Nintendo Switch Pro is set to launch 4K gaming for the first time for Nintendo fans next year.