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Meet for a dance performance on Sunday, March 27, at the Palais DesFestivals in Cannes

Meet for a dance performance on Sunday, March 27, at the Palais DesFestivals in Cannes

Throughout the 1st Semester 2022, performing the same dance at home at any time of the day, at multiple cultural venues at specific times and across the continent is an experience that is open to all.

Meet for a 9-minute joint event this Sunday, March 27, at 4pm in front of the Palais DesFestival, in Crossset. Combine gestures, imagined by renowned choreographer Angeline Preljokaj, with music by Jeanne Added.

A free application to download

Want to practice? Download the #DanseLEurope processor for free on the App Store and Google Play and select solo dance.

“Hello everyone, welcome to this meeting. It’s an exchange of energy and vibrations. I will guide you throughout this experience …”

In the headphones, Angel’s Preljokaj’s soft and frozen voice commanded a warm-up before breathing exercises and then dance.

“Now you’re on the shore of the lake, like a pink flamingo, your body pulling up and down …”

Slightly metaphorical, but Tommy Pascal’s testimonial film, narrated by 27 European dancers of all ages, allows you to visualize what it is like in real life.

Everyone can send a video of their own gesture score to the Numeridance site. TV, send call or request one.

On Sunday, the joint event at the front will also be filmed and shared on social media.

Then, put on a show with Franுவாois Aluva (Completely thrown away!), Iconoclastic ballet dancer “saw on TV” Jury with the StarsSunday, April 10 at 6pm, before Alonso King’s ballet’s erotic and innovative show. More reasons to join the dance …

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– Dance Europe!The choreography will take place on Sunday, March 27 at 4 pm in front of the Palais DesFestivals

– Franசois Alu, Completely thrown away !, Sunday, March 27 at 6pm at the Palas des Festivals, from 10 to 36 euros. Phone: 04 92 99 62 77;

– Alonso King Lines Ballet, Sunday, April 10 at 6 pm at the Palais des Festival, from 10 to 36 euros.

Tel: 04 92 99 62 77