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McCauley shook the discharge grille, claiming responsibility for the Catania record

McCauley shook the discharge grille, claiming responsibility for the Catania record

Former Lego Pro President Mario McCauley He made it very clear to’s microphones that the current federal leaders are responsible for the Catania case. McCullough has questioned Lega Pro Francesco Grelli’s number one man for signing the Edna club without accurately verifying investors. SIGI, the owner of the Edna club, could not even pay the new season salary and considering the volatility of the environment, the players decided. Properly place the company by default To provide the wages to be paid, With the help of Assocalciatori. “This has been a complex situation for a long time, to which SIGI has tried to respond,” Ghirelli said months ago.

Today Francesco Greilly Catania returned to the matter: “All this is a tragedy for the city, for the fans and for those who love football – report Siki is in a critical situation and is trying to bring a ship to port. No one has forgotten that there was an accumulation in Catania at that time Catania took a strong step to save Calcio and push in the direction of Chiki. Without anyone forgetting that passage, it is good to try to respect those responsibilities that were accepted and granted in Catania as a result.. The epidemic has tarnished the general image and allowed the National Order to reduce the “barriers” to entry into the championship.

Enough insults and plagiarism – Greilly explains that there are no longer zero discounts: “Today, FIGC, I totally agree, he thinks the emergency phase can no longer provide exceptions. And the tests have to do with the present and the future more, and the past (albeit more importantly) less so the Code of Arms no longer counts and there is no difference between one club with Serie A history and another club that has always played in the third division.

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Tests – Then Greilly insists on restrictions: “It is necessary to check the inheritance and financial stability of the buyers and to have an economic-financial plan for the stability of the company., a radical change without ifs and buts. Then, national licenses must be added to all the rules that must be issued before the championship can begin, so that everyone knows the “engagement rules” first. Another unavoidable choice we have proposed is booking in March, June, July, August via the “Theater”, with exceptions, venues and more. Sign up programmers, those with adequate sports infrastructure and those with economic-financial stability. I would say that the flexibility of contracts needs to be introduced. We consider these to be proposals arising from concrete experience and are inevitable in defending the league and football.