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Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy, PC Needed for IC Ray Tracing -

Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy, PC Needed for IC Ray Tracing –

Marvelin Guardians of the Galaxy Will support Radiation detection Its PC Next-generation consoles, the latter case comes with an update a day or so later. Well, what are they Requirements Can this technology be used on the Windows operating system?

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy focuses on traditional resolution and frame rates, after PC requirements. Nvidia Provides details on the use of radiation tracking in the various presets available, thanks to which it is lighter DLSS.

You can be satisfied with the NVIDIA RTX 2060 (reviewed here) by choosing low quality 1080p effects, while you should get a high performance card from 3070 to 3080 to get a better visual impact.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, PC required for IC ray tracing
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, PC required for IC ray tracing

Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy, Minimum Requirements for Ray Tracing (1080p, Low Details, High Ray Tracing)

  • Processor: Intel Core i5 9400, AMD Raison 5 2600
  • Video card: Nvidia RTX 2060
  • Memory: 16 GB in RAM
  • Storage: 80GB space required
  • Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit

Marvelin Guardians of the Galaxy, Requirements for Medium Radiation (1440p, high detail, high radiation

  • Processor: Intel Core i5 10600, AMD Raison 5 3600X
  • Video card: Nvidia RTX3070
  • Memory: 16 GB in RAM
  • Storage: 80GB space required
  • Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit

Guardians of the Marvel, high demand for radiation detection (2160p, ultra detail, ultra ray tracing)

  • Processor: Intel Core i7 10700, AMD Raison 7 3700X
  • Video card: Nvidia RTX3080
  • Memory: 16 GB in RAM
  • Storage: 80GB space required
  • Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit