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Map is not a real open world -

Map is not a real open world –

Arcius Pokemon Legends This is the most innovative episode of Game Freak Saga, especially thanks to its open world and action. Now, however, “Pokemon expert” Joe Merrick – Serbian – has suggested that the game could be included. The map is not a fully open world.

As you can see in the tweet below, Merrick shared two pictures from one of the latest Pokemon Arcious Legends trailers. As we can see in these pictures Game map in two formats. The first image is a part of the map surrounded by a line, which allows us to understand that it is a specific part of the open world. The second diagram shows this section in detail. As the game is not fully integrated with the rest of the world, we can see that the exteriors are blurry.

In other words, Pokemon is not an entirely open world like Archaeus Legends, The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, but an independent zoning game like Monster Hunter or the Genoplate Chronicles 2.

Note: Nintendo and Game Freak have not confirmed any of these. This is the only one To guess By Merrick: Although based on the official trailers of Pokemon Arcius Legends, this is just a rumor.

However, Merrick says such a choice does not make him sad. What do you think about it? Want an open world with independent maps?

Did you know that a fan has already created Arcius Pokemon Legends – the video shows the full version of the game.

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