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“Late-Back Camp” gets a console game

On the officer Twitter-account Anime adaptation of “Light-Back Camp” (Japanese: “Euro Camp”), it was announced today that a console game will be available for the series.

Details are still pending

The Japanese company MAGES has been known so far. (Including »Steins; Cat) is involved in the development of the game. More information will be available later Website des game To be published. You can see the first scene below.

13-part Second season The Light-Back Camp of, which ends next Thursday, is again directed by Yoshiyaki Kyokoku at Studio C-Station. Jin Tanaka was again in charge of setting up the series and Mutsumi Sasaki contributed to the character design.

In this country, Grungeroll offers both seasons in original Japanese sound with German verses as needed. Available in German from Afro’s original manga manga cult.

>> For the series on Crunchroll
>> Order the manga in German



Rin loves to camp near the lake, from which there is a magnificent view of Mount Fuji. Another young woman, Nateshiko, often goes on bike tours to places that allow such a scene. When the two meet, they go on relaxing excursions together, enjoy a cozy dinner and enjoy the landscape.

© Late-Back Camp Production Team

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