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Kostas Papanastasiou dies: Greek landowner "Lindenstrasse" dies - Media - Community

Kostas Papanastasiou dies: Greek landowner “Lindenstrasse” dies – Media – Community

If only half the people in Germany knew this one series character: Greek actor Costas Papanastacio had it. She became very popular on German television for her role as host Panaiotis Sarikakis, who starred in the ARD series “Lindenstrasse” from 1985 to 1996. Seven million viewers a week sit with Sarikakis on the television bar “The Acropolis”.

He is now 84 years old, as learned from the close friend circle of the DocSpecial actor.

Always a little secretive, sometimes muttering, hand guitar, very proud and serious when he serves ouzo – it does not take much imagination to assume that the scissors between Sarikakis, “Acropolis” presenter Papanastasiou, are real. Someone was running a Greek restaurant in Charlottenburg that was not big.

This is one of the reasons why “Lindenstrass” fans go to the “Terso Monto” in Krolmanstrass, Berlin, where concerts are held. Papanastacio sometimes took the instrument himself, and was respectfully called “Zeus from Savigniplots.” Has run the restaurant for 45 years. In 2018 his son took over the administration.

Meeting for the left-wing scene in West Berlin

The bar became a meeting place for the left-wing scene in West Berlin, so Hans W. Matched with the inspiration of the Kiesentorfer family series, Papanastacio’s permanent employee for eleven years, much like his humanitarian aid. Georgia.

In 1996 the host of “Lindenstrass” said goodbye to “cold, racist Germany” and returned to his native Greece. After leaving the series, things became quiet about the actor, including his study of architecture and characters in Bernhard Vicky (“The Spiders Web”) and “Inselkomoti” music at the theater in Schiffordam.

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In 2011, Papanastacio gave a concert at the Philharmonie’s Room Music Hall during his 55-year stay in Berlin. A year later he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for his community commitment. Recently, he is said to be suffering from severe mental illness.